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India is a developing country, and thus there is a continuous need for building infrastructure to meet the needs of its population. The construction industry is expected to grow at a rate of 5.6% in 2020, and with the times to come will evolve with the advancement in technology. The world is ever evolving and with time humans are inventing newer ways of construction too- manufactured buildings, prefabricated structures, 3D printed buildings and or modular homes.

In this blog, we’ll discuss what a modular home and a manufactured home are, and how they are different and which one is better over the other.

Modular homes and manufactured homes are quality year-around homes that are designed and built for comfortable and safe occupancy by the residents. There are other differences in respect to modular and manufactured homes like permanence- modular homes are built on a permanent foundation, whereas manufactured homes are built on a steel chassis with wheels attached/or not to it. Modular homes stay wherever they are for their whole lives, while manufactured homes have the choice to move or stay as per the requirement.

Modular Homes

  • Modular homes are factory built, and come in pre-built from the factory and sometimes are built at the site, depending on the availability of space.
  • These homes are then transported to the building site on truck beds, and set together using by a large crane and construction workers at the building site.
  • These houses have to adhere to the local, state and or regional building codes of the area they are built in.
  • Modular homes are placed on a permanent foundation at the building site and often have full basements. Modular homes are sometimes used to expedite the creation of planned communities or large residential projects like college dormitories.
  • These homes are larger than manufactured homes and have bigger kitchen space, bathrooms, bedrooms and other rooms depending on the need of the owners. People may even build fireplaces or dishwashers.
  • Modular homes are typically more expensive per square foot than manufactured homes, but are of higher quality because of their permanence.
  • The home equity of a well-built modular home will continue to grow in value over time. Upgrades can also be added like sun rooms, gas fireplaces, porches, garages, etc.

Manufactured Homes

  • Manufactured houses are mostly pre-constructed completely in a factory on a permanent, fixed steel chassis, and are built on wheels which can be typically detached once the unit is towed to the residence.
  • Manufactured homes typically have skirting/siding around the bottom of them to hide where the wheels were removed and to give it the appearance of a typical home.
  • Manufactured homes must abide by a local, state or regional code.
  • Manufactured homes remain on their steel chassis, and do not have basements.
  • Manufactured homes often face special residential zoning restrictions which can limit their placement.
  • Mobile homes technically are manufactured homes but are very different when compared to today’s manufactured homes.
  • Manufactured homes are generally less expensive than modular homes, but also a little harder to finance and generally decrease in home equity value.

Houseable, a modular homes brand by Stratus Steel, is an architecture, engineering, and design firm focused on building spacious, sustainable homes best suited for you. We aspire to be one of the leading modular homes firms in India. 

We build using superior Light Gauge Steel Framing (LGSF) technology and offer well-thought-out and carefully designed plans. These plans can also be customized to suit your needs; hence providing both pre-designed and customized homes to our clientele.

While our main purpose is to deliver a home that is built around you, we also ensure your time, money, and effort in achieving your home are minimized. 

When you build with us, we help you get the most out of your home.

Visit our website for more!

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